藝名: Alisa 體重: 49kg 原名:高以愛 星座:雙魚座 英文名字:ALISA 血型:不詳 生日: 1988-03-11 結婚狀態: 未婚 身高: 162 畢業學校: 暫無資料 噗浪帳號: 無帳號 |
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我回來了! 天啊~也太久沒有更新了吧!
但快放 ... ( 2012-05-15 00:30:07)
Aquatic Dream... and THAT is how i'd enjoy my morning swim/bath EVE ... ( 2011-06-06 17:43:49)
HAPPY BBBBB.... happy birthday to you..
happy birthday to you...
h ... ( 2011-05-24 08:31:08)
A Web. A Web.
A web of passion,
A web of fashion,
A web ... ( 2011-04-30 19:17:17)
Bubble of Dreams We're told to dream, to make great plans
We're giv ... ( 2011-04-26 18:10:26)